Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) Delegate Assembly Resolution #1 - Pre-Service Teacher Education and Licensure in Literacy

On November 20, 2021, the school boards of Illinois voted to support a resolution drafted by Avoca District 37 to address our State's literacy crisis.

The strong show of support from the IASB Delegate Assembly for Resolution #1 gives the IASB a mandate to lobby the IL State Board of Education to require future teacher candidates to take coursework in and pass a test on the science that supports how children learn to read. The full text is on page 9 of the IASB Resolution Committee Report- ResolutionsCommitteReport2021.pdf (

Please contact your local school board members now and let them know that you want them to support Resolution #1 at the November 20 IASB Delegate Assembly.  Attached is a script which you can email to school board members, a second script for speaking at Visitor Comments at your board's next meeting, and an information sheet which has been emailed to all Illinois school boards.


IASB Resolution 1 Info Sheet

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Parents: Sample Email to School Board

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Parents: Sample Speech to School Board

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